Transition Girl

Why transition girl?... Best answered by a quote from the Iliad....."The soul was not made to dwell in a thing; and when forced to it, there is no part of that soul but suffers violence."

Saturday, March 04, 2023

procrastinating (again)

I realised today I had not posted any writing updates for over a month. Partly because I have been writing more poetry; partly because I'm procrastinating again.  Seeing plays, seeing music, reading (a lot) and writing mentoring reflection notes. 

The content of those mentoring notes actually read more like the start of a good short story (in truth, I reckon there's enough interesting ideas in those notes that there might be a full length novel concept there). It's a weird habit I have to write those sorts of reflections in the "third person narrative" - almost as if I have to observe what I'm feeling, or trying to figure out, with an out of body experience/perspective.  Like I am telling myself a story to justify the choices I've made through the conversations so far.

It is also my habit to reflect on all of my mentoring arrangements every three months.  For my first mentoring friendship that is both a mix of career and creative writing mentoring, I have now written two such pieces given it is now six months. I have a half a dozen mentees on the dance card at any one time, but this is the only one that crosses both my careers and that alone has made it worth persevering despite a few doubts along the journey so far.  

This particular mentee also inspires me (both things they say and do), much like my circle of close friends whose conversations help my mind tick along exploring ideas that lead to creative product.  Sometimes it is quite random - like when I saw them running one morning when I was walking to a medical appointment - the poem "the runner" reproduced below is such product.  I like how the Universe is serendipitous like that.

Rare sighting
and unexpected proximity
to an urban gazelle
in full flight.

Magnificent nose and freckled skin
eyes focussed on the path ahead
concentrating hard
to navigate dangerous terrain
camouflage brightened by sunshine
spotlighting synchronicity
cantering lithe naked limbs.

Perhaps too much exposure
for this nature lover
determined not to spook
the wonderous skittish creature
on its morning run.


I have done some novel writing as well - reworked the first 20,000 words along the lines I described in  my last blogpost. But I'm still not feeling ready to continue the story beyond that. I believe it is because the third part of the trilogy starts in such a bleak place and, for much of the story, is about as dystopian as a world can be.  I am just not sure I'm in the right mind space to be immersed in that world right now.  I have a bit more activities to distract me this coming month - more plays, more music - will reassess in May.  I have organised a writing sabbatical for June so, either way, I will resume writing a long form story then. Whether it is completing the trilogy or starting something new - only time will tell.