Transition Girl

Why transition girl?... Best answered by a quote from the Iliad....."The soul was not made to dwell in a thing; and when forced to it, there is no part of that soul but suffers violence."

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

setting goals

The second novel, the Penitentiary, is now available on Amazon (reviews are welcome if you happen to have read the book)! Nice way to start the year. It makes up for the sore wrist (too much time spent writing and taking uber-long drives to fulfil holiday obligations will do that).

I have ambitious goals for 2012. I want to complete and publish two more books - the prequel and sequel to the second novel. The sequel is drafted. I'm now over half way in drafting the prequel so I think it is achievable. The sequel was easier to draft. I am not feeling the love with the prequel (except for a few choice battle scenes which I have really enjoyed writing). It will be interesting to see what the test readers and editor make of the prequel when it is drafted.

Beyond writing goals, I am not a fan of new years resolutions. Cannot really see the point of saying I will do something differently just because another day has ticked by. I should not be this cynical so early in the year. My only other substantive goal for the year is to try and visit my friends strewn around Australia. The first road trip is planned for late January. The rest, given warmer climate destinations, will be when the weather cools.

Should rest up this wrist. Long weekend of writing planned when work on chapter six starts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read them :)

8:55 PM  

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